U3A Listing Help

Please feel free to ask Questions, provide Criticism, Suggestions or Compliments.
We need your feedback. Please use the Contact page top right.

Local Home page: - Refers to every U3A page link from the u3a.nz/directory.htm page.   The last line of contact details 
is a web address that can be used to link directly to that website page. 

Local Home page Admin and Contents
How to Login in:  Login Instructions >

Contact details :
Many U3A are still using the personal email addresses of their members [e.g. the president’s email address] . It is preferable that a generic email for your Local U3A is obtained. eg.
u3afernyhill@gmail.com. This can be passed on to the next committee member to takes over the responsibility of receiving emails.   There is then no updating required and no gap for emails to go missing at the change over.
For security reasons, email addresses can’t be fully copied and pasted from this website.  This is not the case on many of the other U3A websites produced. 

Newsletter and Noticeboard:
It is great to see the newsletters from each U3A being put on the website. However they can accumulate into quite a list, going back up to a year!.  It is debatable that some of these will ever be looked at.  The more Newsletters that are listed, the further down the web page the Groups section is displayed. Our advice is to have your newsletters for the last 6 months on display. It would be good to balance your list up with the height of the Contacts panel.  Why not produce pdf
content in A4 which features images of events to publicise the groups’ activities.  Maybe feature every month a different interest group.

Interest Groups: 
The title of this section can be changed to suit your U3A.  Some examples are:-  "Study Groups", "Interest Groups" or even "Year Planner". Make sure your Conveners are happy if you include their names and times of group meetings. Here is an example of useful information without revealing personal information. easternsuburbs.u3a.nz 

Banner or Image: 
On the previous website generic banners were used.  This is still the case but one can now use images.  Its a good idea to make these as much cinemascope ratio as possible.  eg 16:9 or greater.  The more vertical space of an image, the further down the page the other content will be displayed. An example of an image used is whangarei.u3a.nz and brownsbay.u3a.nz

[ ? ] 
If you need further help click on [?] top left. This appears on all pages within your Local Home Page Admin. 

The Contents below is given freely without conditions. Everyone may have a different opinion to others.  Review the contents below and adopt anything from it you wish.

Content: In reviewing many U3A Newsletters on this Website and other U3A created websites, there could be a concern with privacy issues. Eg The Names of Members whether in official positions or not, their phone numbers and email addresses. A good idea is that some U3A provide a modified Newsletter with these details left out.  The flavour and the scope of the Local U3A is still presented. 

A4 Format for pdf files:  "Make sure that your program whether it be MS Word or Open Office, the page layout format is set to "A4" and not the American standard of "Letter"". After you have composed your Newsletter and about to convert to pdf, also check it is converted to the A4 size.  

A4 Layout:  The layout on the page can affect the readability of the text.  Headings which are larger font size are no problem. The following are worth considering:

Option 1
 Use A4 Portrait.
 Produce the text content in two columns. [as in newspapers and some books]
 Images with explanatory text can be in adjacent columns or text down one column and continues into the next column.

Option 2:
 Use A4 Landscape.
 The use of 3 columns is very fashionable for brochures and it’s good to see a number of U3A using this style for their Newsletters if on a single double page.
 It is easy to concertina this as a two fold for posting.

 Font size for text is also a consideration. Sometimes the default text of 12pt may be a fraction small, but 13pt which you have to insert yourself is better, depending on the font chosen.

Send us images that we can use on the overall u3a.nz home page and on its featured pages. Use the contact page to inform us and we will send an email address to send the images to.  Alternatively you can put images within a pdf page on your Local Home page and use the Contact link to tell us you have uploaded the document.

© Copyright 2020    U3A New Zealand https://u3a.nz    In New Zealand there is no National U3A Organisation. Each U3A is autonomous. On request, we allow any U3A worldwide to provide a link to this website, and / or a link to the complete list of New Zealand U3A via the Directory page. https://u3a.nz/directory.htm   The website management does not update individual NZ local U3A content (contact information), but provides the NZ U3A with Login access to update details themselves. 
The best U3A website for a comprehensive directory listing of all U3A in New Zealand .