SITEINI.js - notes on 23 January 2018 ========== This file is constantly changing during development and these notes should change also but may not always be up to date. Currently the file is managed directly. Eventually there will be an editor that allows values to be selected - hopefully reducing errors. SITEINI contains a list of JavaScript variables with values assigned to each one. Some variable names can not be changed, added or deleted - but all values can be changed. SITE.BODY is a place for variables that are not used with CSS definitions. SITE.BODY.MARGIN is the number of pixelsof space that appear at each side of the page (if the page is less than the maximum specified width), at the top and bottom of each page and between all elements on each page (except BOXHEAD and BOXBODY). SITE.CSS.BODY.COLOUR is the text colour if not specified SITE.CSS.BODY.BACKGROUND is the background colour of not specified SITE.CSS.BODY.FONTFAMILY is the font family if not specified SITE.CSS.BODY.FONTSIZE is the font size if not specified SITE.CSS.GOOGLEFONTS is the list of Google fonts that are available on the site. Names are selected from the many available Google fonts and must be separated by | and have spaces replaced with +. The number of fonts is unlimited but too many will slow down page loading and a small number is sufficient. Fonts are referred to in FONTFAMILY by name. Once a font is on the list it is best left there. SITE.CSS.COLOURS is the list of available colours. Colours are defined as #RGB or #RRGGBB where R and G and B are hexadecimal values. The colour list can be any length but a small number should be sufficient. If a colour definition is changed then all colours that reference that colour will be changed. Colours are used for COLOUR and BACKGROUND and BORDER and SHADOW. The first item on the list is number 0. SITE.CSS.STYLELIST is the list of defined styles that can be used on the site and are used for STYLE values. They are not case sensitive. There is not limit but once there t names should not be changed. Some name. variables can be added, changed or deleted since they have default values. These are: COLOUR - is actually the text colour - defaults to SITE.CSS.BODY.COLOUR BACKGROUND - defaults to none which probably means SITE.CSS.BODY.BACKGROUND FONTFAMILY - default is SITE.CSS.BODY.FONTFAMILY FONTSIZE - default is SITE.CSS.BODY.FONTSIZE FONTWEIGHT - default is 'normal' - can be 'bold', 'bolder' or 'lighter'. PADDING - default is 0 - applies to top, right, bottom and left - or instead PADDINGTB - default is 0 - applies only to top and bottom PADDINGLR - default is 0 - applies only to left and right PADDINGT - default is 0 - applies only to top PADDINGR - default is 0 - applies only to right PADDINGB - default is 0 - applies only to bottom PADDINGL - default is 0 - applies only to left TEXTALIGN - default is 'left' - can be 'left', 'center', 'right' or 'justify' BORDERWIDTH - default is 0 - borders are always solid BORDERCOLOUR - default is '#000' NOWRAP - default is false - set to true to prevent text wrapping - be careful! BOXSHADOWWIDTH - default is 0 - specifies horizontal and vertical offset - or BOXSHADOWWIDTHH - default is 0 - specifes horizontal offset BOXSHADOWWIDTHV - default is 0 - specifes vertical offset BOXSHADOWBLUR - default is 0 - specifies blur size BOXSHADOWCOLOUR - default is #000 - specifies colour CURSOR - default is 'default' - Button and Link should be 'pointer' BORDERRADIUS - default is 0 Possible additions are TEXTSHADOW and OPACITY and, eventually, others Note that when a definition such as SITE.CSS.BUTTON is followed by SITE.CSS.BUTTON_OVER the BUTTON style is used and the BUTTON_OVER style replaces only the style definitions in BUTTON that it defines. Similarly for INPUT where INPUT_ERROR, INPUT_NONE and INPUT_FOCUS operate in that order Text Replacement In a number of places codes can be inserted into9 text with these codes being replaced with current matching values. The main code is #U3A# which is replaced with the title of the current U3A. Others available for use in email subject and message definitions are: #TONAME#, #TOEMAIL#, #FROMNAME#, #FROMEMAIL#, #MESSAGE# and #PHONE#.